Saurashtra University Rajkot, Gujarat - 360005
+91 281 2578501-10
Re-AccreditedGrade A by NAAC
Kindly find the student grievance committee list
Kindly find the attached anti discrimination cell document
Kindly find the attached Documents
Kindly find the attachment
Toll free no for reporting ragging: 18001805522List of committee members with contact detail is as follows:Dr. Mihir Raval (Head of Department)Mobile no.:09712727172Email ID:rmihir@yahoo.comMs. Rajeshri Patel (Teaching faculty)Mobile no.:09427744566Email ID:rajeshripatel.2504@gmail.comDr. Nasir Vadia (Teaching faculty)Mobile no.:09879858144Email Riddhi Shukla (Teaching faculty)Mobile no.:09033105299Email ID:riddhi18190@gmail.comMs. Kalpa Mehta (Non-teaching faculty)Mobile no.:09099701699Email ID:officepharma17@gmail.comMr. Maharshi Pandya (Student representative of M.Pharm senior)Mobile no.:09978564129Email ID:pandyamaharshi9@gmail.comMr. Vivek Mangroliya (Stu..